The power of questions

What questions do you ask? To your team members? To your business partners? To yourself as a leader?

We recommend to choose your questions carefully. Why? Because the questions you ask influence the answers you get and, consequently, the decisions you make and the actions you take.

Four factors can inhibit managers from adopting a coaching approach

Managers often experience difficulty adopting a coaching approach to management. Various factors contribute to that.

Yet, a coaching approach to management is a skill that can be learned and fine-tuned over time, and deliver concrete positive impact on a business.

Managers who have the best coaching skills have better business results

What’s the most effective approach to manage and develop subordinates? A coaching approach.

A coaching approach to management is a process that supports team members to become more autonomous, confident resourceful and self-driven.

This approach to management is needed more than ever.

Reasons to choose The Human Factor

Coaching can support your transition to a managerial position

For those who aspire to lead teams, becoming a manager for the first time is an exhilarating step. It indicates that your talent as an individual contributor has been recognised and that your employer believes in your potential. It is also a step toward more influence, more autonomy, more prestige, and more pay.

Yet, as the first day in your new role approaches, exhilaration can morph into apprehension — or worse, anxiety.

In this blog post, I discuss some examples of how coaching can support professionals as they transition to a managerial position.